Ainagul Samidinova

Ainagul Samidinova
“It is a great responsibility to be a member of the Supervisory Board of the Apake Foundation because the Foundation aims to provide serious assistance to the state in solving social problems of society. The Fund intends to actively involve different sectors of society in the accumulation of resources and their fair and transparent use, and I hope to contribute to the formation of public confidence in the Foundation. The Foundation will truly work for the benefit of society, this is stated in the goals and objectives of the Foundation. Moreover, it has united like-minded people, embodying the success achieved through hard work and dedication. Today they are ready to serve and help society.”
Ainagul Samidinova graduated from the Frunze Polytechnic Institute and then the Kyrgyz State Law Academy with a degree in Finance and Credit.
In 2004 – 2007 she was Business Development Director of the MCC Kompanion Financial Group, Mercy Corps Kyrgyzstan in the North of Kyrgyzstan. In 2008 she became the regional director of the Microcredit Company Mol Bulak Finance.
From 2010 to the present, she is Executive Director of the Microcredit Company M Bulak. Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Microfinance Organizations of Kyrgyzstan.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the New Generation Support Fund (Kyrgyzstan).
Ainagul has 17 years of experience in microfinance. The highest professional and personal qualities of Ainagul Samidinova are a solid platform for the successful growth of the company and the development of the microfinance sector of the country as a whole.