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Apake Public Foundation joins fundraising marathon

"Apake" joins in fundraising for a small citizen of our country, whose life depends on one injection. Each citizen of Kyrgyzstan, by sharing 40 soms, can give LIFE to a two-year-old girl Tashmatova Aruuzat. This calculation is based on each citizen of the country.

Aruusat has a rare disease - first-degree spinal muscular atrophy and can only be cured by one drug - Zolgensma, which costs 2,382,000 US dollars. The disease is indeed rare, BUT there are successful cases of cure for this disease, and for the parents of a little girl this is a chance to fight for her life!

Aruuzat means "purity", and we want our souls to be clean, in our minds and hearts instead of criticism there was more understanding, instead of condemnation - more forgiveness, instead of envy and anger - more love and kindness, instead of stinginess - generosity!

About donation channels

Our foundation has created a crowdfunding platform on the site and provides full transparency of each of your help. An automated open platform for collecting donations allows accurate accounting. Each donor can check their donations on the site through a search engine.
We have the maximum possible payment systems, e-wallets, payment terminals and Internet acquiring on the site.

Here you can choose any method of assistance to Aruuzat that is convenient for you.

Aruuzat help details:

  • 9417207059512938 - ЭЛКАРТ fund business card
  • 4169 6151 8651 8050 - OPTIMA fund business card
  • 1280016037702903 - KICB fund current account
  • 1180000087356386 - DEMIR BANK fund current account
  • 1091805278810115 - OPTIMA BANK fund current account

Благотворительная помощь ребенку

Together we can handle

Your contribution may be comparable to your capabilities, and, in fact, it may be just the cost of 1 trip to the cinema or cafe, 1 gift for February 23 or March 8. Just 1 event, 1 moment of your life can save a LIFE!
Today, on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, Apake joins the common cause and calls on everyone to unite and save Aruuzat! Anyone can perform feats!

Media Publications

Пример гражданской солидарности в помощи маленькому пациенту Аруузат - от Бабура Тольбаева


Date Bank details "Apake" PF Amount of donation
10.02.2022 077760**40 195.0
10.02.2022 077745**06 50.0
09.02.2022 Эстана Бахаутдинова 100.0
09.02.2022 Арууке Камалова 99.0
09.02.2022 Динар 55.0
09.02.2022 Кубатбекова Фаина 50.0
09.02.2022 Мелис Максатбек 50.0
09.02.2022 Гульсара Топиволдиева 50.0
09.02.2022 Халматова Гуландон 50.0
09.02.2022 99650517**95 20.0
09.02.2022 99650896**97 10.0
08.02.2022 Бегимай Заирбекова 396.0
08.02.2022 99670777**40 100.0
08.02.2022 Наргиза Гуламова 100.0
08.02.2022 99655248**72 100.0
08.02.2022 Данышманова Жаннат 100.0
08.02.2022 99677350**36 50.0
08.02.2022 Маатмуратов Алихан 50.0
08.02.2022 Эсенгулов Калыс 50.0
07.02.2022 Орозбакова Айназик 200.0
07.02.2022 Шаршембиев Жыргалбек 195.0
07.02.2022 н/д 195.0
07.02.2022 Эркинбек Койчуманов 99.0
07.02.2022 Эрнис Табалдиев 50.0
07.02.2022 н/д 50.0
07.02.2022 99670540**55 50.0
07.02.2022 Сезимай Субанова 50.0
07.02.2022 Дильноза Холматова 50.0
07.02.2022 Карачач Тумонбаева 50.0
07.02.2022 ШУКУРАЛИЕВ АЛЬГИЗ 50.0
07.02.2022 070166**66 50.0
07.02.2022 Жанылай Батырбекова 50.0
07.02.2022 Муталибова Мархабо 50.0
07.02.2022 Апасова Наргуль Дуйшонкалыевна 49.0
07.02.2022 Анан Кенжебаев 37.0
07.02.2022 077745**06 37.0
06.02.2022 99670058**63 150.0
06.02.2022 055042**17 100.0
06.02.2022 н/д 100.0
06.02.2022 99670131**99 100.0
06.02.2022 99655498**99 100.0
06.02.2022 99677756**90 60.0
06.02.2022 Info.аптекаKG 50.0
05.02.2022 Перизат Таирбек кызы 99.0
05.02.2022 лвлв 10.0
04.02.2022 Элиза Мидинова 61.0
04.02.2022 99650955**05 10.0
03.02.2022 Шаршенов Динислам 101.0
03.02.2022 070671**64 100.0
03.02.2022 Жусупова Элдана Болотбековна 50.0
All donations for the project