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About Beneficiary

We are moving along the route to Aravan village, Osh region. The Kindergarten # 4 brings up children up to 3 years old and serves more than 100 kids. This year, the kindergarten has applied to our Fund for charitable help. Dilfuza Makhmudova, The Head of kindergarten, submitted an application in the summer, has waited for the Competition and has received approval. Last year, in “Ekinchi Kadam” project, we replaced and installed batteries in this kindergarten and has repaired the roof.

About Application

This year we have to replace the heating boiler in the entire heating system. Previously, due to poor power, the boiler did not allow heating the entire area of ​​the room, and spent a lot of coal inefficiently. It is joyful that our beneficiary makes every effort to solve the problem. The kindergarten manager independently attracted a suitable contractor, mobilized other sponsors, who donated 30 thousand soms for this project. Therefore, this task is already in progress. We hope that our joint social assistance to children will solve the problem of heating the premises before the onset of cold weather.

The total cost of the project is 279,100 soms.

#учунчукадам #араван #слюбовьюклюдям #проектыфондаапаке

Социальная помощь детям с.АраванОбщественный фонд хочет помочь детям садика №4Помочь детям в Кыргызстане - цель нашего фондаКаждый ребенок в садике будет жить комфортноучастники проекта готовы помочь детямМол Булак помогает оказывать социальную помощь
