Помощь подопечным Кадамжайского социального учреждения

Помощь подопечным Кадамжайского социального учреждения

02 July 2021

July 2021 - another wave of coronavirus infection across the country. People with disabilities, who are under the care of the state, are particularly hard hit.

The Kadamjay Mixed Psychoneurological Social Stationary Institution (SSU) has been operating since 1963. Individuals are admitted from child psychoneurological SSUs upon reaching 18 years of age or are transferred from other institutions. The project capacity is designed for 230 beds. Currently, there are 212 recipients of social services.

Support for recipients

For elderly residents and individuals with disabilities residing in the SSU, 100.0 soms per person per day are allocated, and for medication provision, 12.70 soms per person.

Support from the foundation

Our Foundation, in partnership with "M Bulak" company, supported this social institution and provided essential medicines free of charge to assist the recipients, totaling 253,690 soms.

We thank all our citizens for their donations and trust! Together we will overcome!

Stay healthy and take care of your loved ones!
