KSMA Clinic is open

KSMA Clinic is open

14 July 2020

Project status

Today the clinic opens at the hostel of the KSMA. There will be 200 places in total. The launch has several steps.

General sponsor partners of the project are M Bulak, KR and RF. Donations amount to 24 million soms.
1. There are 150 oxygen concentrators for 5 million 400 thousand soms.

2. Almost all the necessary equipment, personal protective equipment and consumables were purchased and most of them are already in KSMA for the amount of 7 million 500 thousand soms.

3. payment to doctors is 5 million 100 thousand soms, but we need to collect the same amount if the clinic will work 2 months (4 teams of 15 days each).

4. We received a donation from M Bulak Russia for 6 million rubles

Responsibility of the parties

1. KSMA is responsible for the healing process.
2. PF Apake is responsible for fundraising, payment of other expenses and organization of reporting.
3. The Ministry of Emergencies is responsible for the nutrition of staff and patients.
4. The Office of the Interior is responsible for security.

Thanks to all donors for the donations! Really appreciate!
Thanks to KSMA, doctors / health workers, volunteers.
We wish you all good health !!!
Together we can handle it!

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