"Mughalim" sums up the first results!

"Mughalim" sums up the first results!

01 June 2022

About the project

We present the annual report of "Mughalim".

The online school www.mugalim-edu.com was started in 2021 and is a platform of various practical courses for teachers. Our school has brought together several hundred teachers from all over the country, allowing teachers to share their experiences and discuss professional issues.

In the future, we want to give all teachers and coaches the opportunity to develop their own courses and become competitive in the market of educational services. We believe that by investing in the professional development of teachers, we can improve the quality of education in general and ensure the future of our children!


According to the plan, we wanted to launch one course for training, as a result, we have several different online courses on teacher training - neuropedagogics, digital pedagogics, student motivation, prevention of teacher burnout. During the year 338 teachers were trained, 115 students were awarded certificates. The most popular were courses on motivation and prevention of burnout.

Our clients are mostly women with a work experience of up to 5 years. Also, our courses are attended by more experienced teachers with 20-30 years of experience. Our platform is used mainly by teachers from public and private schools, as well as teachers from other educational institutions, centers and colleges.


A total cost of 927,000 soms for the entire project period was realized. The annual revenue from the sale of training is 136,000 soms.

Further plans

In 2022-2023 we continue financing the social project «Mughalim». The next stage in the development of self-sustainability is the expansion of the course topics, the invitation of new experts and speakers to train teachers, and the provision of services to teachers to develop and sell their own courses.

социальный проект поддержки учителейПомощь учителям от фондаПоддержка детей и взрослых от фонда

